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ʻO nā kāleka hōʻai'ēʻo Kina, 30 mau makahiki i nā maʻi a me nā mau wahine a me nā wahine ma Kina e hoʻomaikaʻi i ka makani

Ma ke kiʻi, ua hōʻikeʻia nā moʻomeheu a me nā moʻomeheu haole. Chinese traditional acrobatic program "leading" to show the cultural charm, folk music performance program "flowers and moon", "unforgettable night" through the Forthing V9 external discharge function ringing, science and technology and art mingled. The magic show "Wonderful" interacted with Pan Hui, the product director of Forthing, adding mysterious fun and immersing the audience in the marvelous atmosphere of Chinese and foreign culture fusion.

ʻO ke kumuhana o ka Forf Forum, he hāʻuleʻana o nā manaʻo e noʻonoʻo ana, a puni kaʻenehana, Art, ka mālamaʻana i ka wahi o keʻano o ke ola o ke ola. I waena o lākou, ua loaʻa nā hoʻokō o nā hanana ma ke kula o kaʻepekema hou a me kaʻenehana i hoʻowalewale i ka lehulehu. ʻOiai ka hui o ka hui Dongfeng ma ka pahuhopu o "ʻekolu mau keʻena, hoʻokahi i ka mea hou", ua hōʻikeʻia e hoʻokō i ke kaʻina o ka ikaika hou, kaʻike a me ke kaiāulu. Ua hoʻopiʻiʻia ka nohoʻana ma luna o ka hoʻomohalaʻana i nā kaʻaʻoihana kūʻai aku a me nā'ōnaehana o nā mea hoʻokele waiwai nui a me nā'ōnaehana o kaʻoihana.

No nā wahine o nā wā kamaliʻi eʻimi ana i ke ola maikaʻi, ka hōʻoluʻolu o ka mpv ke kī e ana i konaʻano. ʻO ka heluʻana o V9 he papa inoa inoaʻo 85.2% a me ka nui o ka helu o ka helu, no laila uaʻoluʻolu nā wahine a pau. Hiki ke hoʻohālikelikeʻia nā nohonaʻo ka lua Forthing V9 also understands the way of green travel, the thermal efficiency of Mach power reaches 45.18%, realizing the combination of energy saving and performance, and contributing to the sustainable development when traveling comfortably.


Pūnaewele: https://www.Fotingmontor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com;   dflqali@dflzm.com
Phone: +8618177244813; +15277162004
Address: 286, Pesshan Avenue, Li Lizhou, Gunau, China

Post Time: Nov-08-2024